Being dubbed as the most perfect city by BBC is just one more feather in Chandigarh’s hat. The whole tricity area, in fact, employs a sense of being in a space that is much more calm, tranquil and inhabitable. Me it the lush green trees making these cities a perfect scenic route to drive around, the well-managed traffic or the multitude of cultures from three states surrounding it making it an interesting hub of amalgamated cultures.

1. Heritage of Chandigarh
Built as the first planned township the tri-city is built developed around Chandigarh just in the way Chandigarh is. The roads and housing structures are all finely planned. All the three cities in tri-city have their own heritage and people are bonded by the thread of this unique bond of the city’s culture.
2. Amenities for housing
As we know the housing development in the whole try-city area is done under strict and stringent laws, it makes sure that the amenities provided in these housing societies are top notch and as per the guidelines of the respective state.
3. Low Pollution
The tri-city is blooming metro city but as far as pollution and traffic is concerned it boasts of a much cleaner environment. The reason is the green patch that is built around and taken well care of by the authorities.
4. Less inland travel time
Travelling within the perimeters of the tri-city is a delight on most occasions. Unlike big metros, the time taken to travel within all three cities of Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula is just 15-20 minutes. This when compared to travel time in cities like Delhi or Mumbai seems impossible.
5. Clean Well maintained roads
The roads are regularly maintained and are patched up soon after the monsoon rains. The city roads are an absolute delight for drivers and increase the efficiency and life for your cars.
6. Closeness to Himachal
That is one of the biggest advantages of living here. You are always very near to the mountains and it takes just an hour’s drive to visit the hills in Solan and Kasauli. A weekend trip to the hills is the favorite getaway for people of the tricity.
7. Nightlife
Chandigarh and Mohali have a buzzing nightlife with a multitude of discotheques and club lounges open in the city. The lounges and breweries see people from all age groups enjoying a good time out especially on the weekends.
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