Water is one of the most essential and important natural resources on the globe. It’s very important to conserve the water. In case you are living in area having good availability of water, yet it is important to avoid wastage of water. This will help you to have lower bill and helps to conserve a precious resource.
Listed below are some of the tips that one should follow to minimize water wastage at home:
While brushing your teeth turn off the nozzle:
From an average nozzle, 2.5 gallons per minute of water comes out. While brushing your teeth, don’t let the water go down the drain. Turn off the tap while brushing the teeth.
While scrubbing your hands and face turn off the tap:
Is there any necessity to let the water run while you’re scrubbing your face and hands? Try to Save water and turn the nozzle off after you wet your face and hands until it is required to rinse.
Mend all pipe leaks:
Try to fix all the leaks; this will help a lot to save water.
Don’t drain your pasta cooking liquid:
Reuse your pasta cooking liquid. Collect all the liquid in a pot. After it cools down, you can use it to water the plants. Don’t pour the hot water on plants, this might harm them. Do pour cool water only.
Take shower quickly:
You will be jolt to know that taking shower for one minute uses nearly 5 gallons of water. To save water, try to use the aerated shower head, which combines water and air and puts an upper limit on flow rates.
Use watering can for plants:
Try to use watering can rather than a hosepipe. A hosepipe can use as much as 1,000 liters of water an hour. Watering in the early morning and late afternoon will reduce evaporation and also conserve water.
Do follow the above-mentioned tips to conserve water. Read Some Tips To Keep Your Home Warm This Winter.